Getting New Shingles Installed? Must Discuss These Things With Your Contractor

Roofer installing new shingles

Installing a new roof is an exciting process but can also be overwhelming. If you’re getting ready to replace your shingles, then there are some important topics that you should discuss with your contractor before the job begins. Read on for six key tips to ensure your roof installation goes as smoothly.

Essential Topics to Cover with Your Shingle Installation Contractor

1. Estimate Accuracy

Regarding roof shingles installation, one of the most important things you should discuss with your contractor is an estimate of how accurate the installation will be. Roof shingles need to be installed correctly in terms of height and alignment, and they must also ensure a good water-tight seal at all times. Ask your contractor to estimate roof shingles installation time and costs accurately.

2. Safety Measures

When hiring a contractor for your roof shingles installation, safety measures are one of the most important aspects to discuss. Ensure that your contractor abides by all workplace safety regulations, provides the proper safety gear to workers (such as hard hats, harnesses, and eyewear), and takes necessary precautions when working at heights. Also, inquire about their workman’s compensation insurance to make sure both parties are covered in case an unexpected accident should occur

3. Materials Used

If you are considering roof repair services in Jacksonville, talk with your contractor about the materials they will be using. Quality roofing materials are essential for roof renovations since only the best products ensure proper roof protection and durability. Professional contractors generally offer high-grade shingles from trusted roofing manufacturers, but it is still important to ask what exactly they’re using and obtain details such as warranty terms.

4. Installation Method

When roof repair services in Jacksonville replace old roofing materials with new shingles, discussing installation methods with the contractor is critical. This includes details such as how the roofer plans to ensure overlapped seams are properly sealed on all three roof surfaces – including valleys. Knowing which installation method will be used can help you determine whether additional protection is necessary for longevity and protection against water seepage.

5. Weather Conditions

Knowing the expected temperature, wind speed, and precipitation for the area during installation is key. This helps ensure your residential roofing project is completed quickly and safely. It also allows your residential roofing contractor to select additional materials, such as sealants or reinforced shingles, to protect against moisture or heat damage over the years. If a residential roofing project is done properly, future problems can arise due to proper weather protection.

6. Timeline and Payment Schedules

Before hiring a residential roofing contractor for your new shingle installation, discuss the timeline and payment schedules. Knowing exactly how long it will take before the job is complete and when payments will be due can save time and help keep projects on track. It is important to create a clear agreement with the contractor so that all parties have the same understanding of expectations regarding completing tasks and timelines.

7. Warranty Details

Ask about what kind of warranty comes with the new set of shingles, including how long it lasts and what kinds of damages are covered. Additionally, inquire about transferability if you plan on selling your home in the future; most warranties are transferable to the new homeowner, but some don’t, so make sure to get this information upfront.

Tips for a Smooth Home Renovation Process with Lighthouse Building Services, LLC

Following these six tips will ensure a smooth process from start to finish! Take time beforehand to ask questions and get all relevant information from your contractor so there won’t be any surprises later. Contact Lighthouse Building Services, LLC for roofing, plumbing, HVAC & home renovation services.